INFO-ATARI16 Digest Mon, 13 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 644 Today's Topics: Anti-Atari Bashing Flame (long - sorry) atari ABC yea or nay ???? Degas to MacPaint picture converter DSP, ATW graphics, TT/P European software purchase procedure from the U.S.A. Mega with TOS 1.4 crashes! Memory upgrades, HDs, CPU cases Need help with OPUS Chart feature STacy STE/4096 TT's VME-slots Vapourware!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 20:41:28 EST From: Stephen Harold Goldstein Subject: Anti-Atari Bashing Flame (long - sorry) Sorry to waste the bandwidth but, I can't keep quiet anymore. I'm sick and tired of all the TT flames and Atari bashing going on. It solves nothing and probably only serves to scare away anyone thinking about buying an ST. If you must continue with this practice, perhaps we can get a area going. So far Greg Lindahl has been just about the only voice of reason here, and now he gets flamed. Shheeesh! (I'm with you Greg!) I've been an Atari owner since November of 1980 when I got my trusty Atari 800 (which I just reluctantly sold to finance another hard drive for my ST). I bought a 1040 in February of '88 and UPGRADED (my DEALER gave me a trade in allowance) to a Mega 4 with the Atari Laser this past June. I made a careful decision about what I was getting for my money. I knew Atari's reputation for support (or lack thereof), and factored that in. I also knew Atari's reputation for building solid, quality hardware. I have *NEVER* had any hardware problems with any of my Atari equipment. I now have a postscript capable system that can (and does) run ST, Mac, and IBM software for less than most postscript printers cost. I could complain it doesn't run at 100MIPS, but that's not what I expected or paid for. Seems to me the people bitching at Atari have no one to blame but themselves for not making a more careful decision before buying. If the TT isn't what you want, DON'T BUY ONE! Come on, it's like you're bitching at Ford because they won't sell you a Corvette (a product they don't make), or because your Escort can't outrun a Ferrari (do something you should know it can't). Find another manufacturer and leave us alone. I've gotten what I've wanted/paid for out of every Atari machine I've owned. This is NOT blind loyalty mind you. I think there's a WORLD of things Atari management could do to get the ST more exposure and more widely accepted, but that's not my job. Historically, Atari has always made neat hardware and botched the marketing. But as Greg said, they ARE making money selling computers - maybe not in the U.S., but that just means I'll have European sales to thank for keeping the company around long enough for me think about them the next time I'm looking for a computer. And if it's a TT, I *DO* have a choice about slots - if I don't want/plan to expand, I can save a little money with a TT/P (why pay for slots I won't use?). If I want slots there's the TT/x which costs more, but nothing in life is free. That sounds right to me. TT/x cost too much? Not quite what you want? BUY SOMETHING ELSE! Buy a Mac or PC and go bitch in some other newsgroup! <*heavy sigh of relief*> Alternate proposal: How about for serious technical discussions and exchanges of information in a civilized manner? Please send all flames to alt.flames where I'll be happy to ignore them. Constructive criticisms and discussion always welcome. Stephen Goldstein My first Atari system? A 24K Atari 800, Rev. A ROMS, C(not G)TIA graphics Disclaimer: That's not what I said. ------------------------------ Date: 14 Nov 89 00:50:43 GMT From:!!! (Peter J Ikusz) Subject: atari ABC yea or nay ???? >>offer me advice on buying it? > >More important than the technical differences between the two machines is >the difference between the companies which make the computers. > >Amstrad is a professional company which produces computers. They have >established a world-wide reputation for delivering good, solid computers. > >Atari Corp is a toy company which has established a reputation for being >poorly managed, and for its capricious treatment of its users, dealers >and suppliers. While the "Atari ABC" may be the computer of the week now, >you may find yourself holding an obsolete system when they go off after the >next glittering gizmo and leave you with an unsupported orphan next week. Sorry, Bob, I've worked with, sold, and used Amstrads. I wouldn't let my worst enemy buy one. They are junk. If you think Atari is only a toy company go to Europe. You will find out how extensively they are using their 'toys'. Pete I. I'm not an Atari loyalist, I just don't like the other expensive junk in the market. ( Amiga is OK, though, emphasis on OK ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movie Quotes of the 80's: "I'll buy that for a dollar!": Robocop "What's amatter Colonel Sanders, Chicken?": Dark Helmet "Poachers shooting at rabbits scare the big game away.": D.R.Scoundrels Pete Ikusz : : University of Wisconsin Milwaukee ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 17:07:12 GMT From: att!cbnewsj!rcd@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (rana.c.dutt) Subject: Degas to MacPaint picture converter While playing with Superpaint under Spectre Mac emulation last week, I said to myself, "Self, wouldn't it be nice to be able to convert ST picture files to MacPaint format?" I looked for a PD utility to do this, but found none. So I wrote one. Right now it does the basic operation of converting Degas monochrome (.PI3) pictures to MacPaint (PICT) files. Once converted, you can use the Transverter utility that comes bundled with the Spectre software to get it to an MFS disk. This opens up the possibility of incorporating .PI3 images (e.g., output from an ST digitizer) within a wide range of Mac applications (e.g., MacPaint, MacWrite, Superpaint, Pagemaker, MS Word, etc.). If you think this (GEM-based) program would be useful to you, please reply. If there is sufficient interest, I will post it to Rana Dutt (201) 957-3389 AT&T Bell Laboratories, NJ USA ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 23:28:00 GMT From: acf5! (Thanasis Mitsolides) Subject: DSP, ATW graphics, TT/P /* / / 1:44 am Nov 13, 1989 */ >Steve Whitney sez: >>They have said unofficially, with no commitment to a target release date >>that there will eventually be a multitasking TOS. Someday. Not tomorrow. >>Unix should be available sooner. > >I've also heard that someday pigs would fly... maybe with Atari controlled >computers..? Seems to me that I've heard about multitasking Operating System >on other computers *now*... Not tomomorrow.. Now.. > >Maybe a better advertising slogan for Atari would be: > >"Someday, Over the Rainbow" Tha Amiga and MAC have multitasking OSs even though without VM or protection. PCs have the desqview (ammong others) system for multitasking DOS and virual memory (but segmented). AIX provides full unix and DOS compatibility windows. Apple just released the buggy TOS 1.4 ... I am certain there are very good chances that in less that 8 years from now, TOS will become multitasking. 8-) Thanasis ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 22:59:38 GMT From:!samsung!xanth!! (Scott Yelich) Subject: European software purchase procedure from the U.S.A. Speaking of European Software... Has anyone else used STOS Basic? I would like to know how it ranks with Hisoft and GFA 3.0... I just picked it up because I like the COVER of the box... The package is one of the best I have ever seen to my atari line of computers.... (atari 400 through atari 1040st) I am also interested in the compiler for STOS basic.. I had it in my hands also, but I decided that I would rather wait and see if the basic was worth it. I am sorry that I did not get it immediately. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott D. Yelich [] After he pushed me off the cliff, he asked me, as I fell, ``Why'd you jump?'' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 14:19:07 GMT From: imagen!atari!portal!!Xorg@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Peter Ted Szymonik) Subject: Mega with TOS 1.4 crashes! There are two LS373's that have to be replaced (and good luck trying to find the damn chips! ) there are located right next to the RAM in the middle of the board. I've also been told that some MMU chips also suffer from the same problem, I *think* they are the ones marked 'inf' Peter Szymonik ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 14:10:32 GMT From: imagen!atari!portal!!Xorg@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Peter Ted Szymonik) Subject: Memory upgrades, HDs, CPU cases I have seen quite a few posts fropeople on other services that have been burned by Tech Specialities - apparently they take the money and run - I also don't believe that they are in business anymore. Peter Szymonik ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 23:49:11 GMT From: asuvax!hrc!dragon! (David Soleno) Subject: Need help with OPUS Chart feature Net-beings: I am unable to use the Chart features of OPUS 2.2. I would like to ask for any help or suggestions you might care to send my way. I followed the instructions given in the installation document, but did not have any success. This my setup: 1040 Atari ST, 1 meg, 1 DSDD drive. TOS: 1.1? (copyrighted 1985). GDOS Version: 1.1 Disk A: GDOS.SYS - Directory ASSIGN.SYS AUTO - Directory AUTO directory contains: GDOS.PRG GDOS.SYS directory contains: ATSS10.FNT ATSS10CG.FNT ATSS10EP.FNT ATSS10MF.FNT ATSS10SP.FNT LQ800.SYS META.SYS ASSIGN.SYS contents: PATH = A:\GDOS.SYS\ ; Change A: to drive w/GEMSYS folder 00p screen.sys ; --START OF SCREEN FONTS-- 01p screen.sys 02p screen.sys ;----------------- 03p screen.sys ; Med-Rez screen workstation ; SWISS ATSS10CG.FNT ;----------------- 04p screen.sys ; High-Rez screen workstation ; SWISS ATSS10.FNT ; -- START OF PRINTER FONTS -- 21 LQ800.SYS ; SWISS ATSS10SP.FNT ;------------------ 31 META.SYS ATSS10MF.FNT DISK B: ASSIGNER.PRG ATSS10.FNT ATSS10CG.FNT DESKJET.INF EPSON.INF FONTWID.PRG INSTALL.DOC OPUS.CNF OPUS.PRG OPUS22.DOC OPUSCOLR.RSC OPUSHELP - Directory OPUSMONO.RSC OUTCHART.PRG PRINTDEF.PRG PRINTER.INF PRINTDEF.RSC SMSS10HI.FNT SPL_LOG.OPS The procedure that I follow is this: a) Boot up with disk A. I get the message stating GDOS 1.1 is installed. b) Double-click on B drive icon, insert disk B. Double click on OPUS.PRG. c) The program starts loading and asks for disk A to be inserted. I comply. d) The disk drive comes on and after a few seconds the following message is displayed: ERROR LOADING SCREEN FONTS MAKE SURE THE GEMSYS DISK IS IN PLACE. I am given the options to CANCEL or RETRY. If I choose CANCEL it places me in OPUS but the Chart Menu is "ghosted". RETRY asks for disk B to be inserted but then places me in OPUS with the same results. What am I doing wrong? I would like to get this feature going since I've sent for OPUS 2.3 . Please post or e-mail me your suggestions. Thank you, David Soleno UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!solenod ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 23:17:03 GMT From: ogccse!blake! (Enartloc Nhoj) Subject: STacy Would be nice to have a little truth emanate from the mouths of ATARI. Yes, this is another BASH! Does Atari deserve anymore? This morning I learn from a developer friend of mine that Atari can't promise him his STacy now until "late December or early January".. was supposed to be "end of October". I got to thinking.. well, if they can't even supply their developers with the dang things... only God knows when/if the consumer will ever see one. Call my dealer. Owners are at Comdex for the week. The rep tells me that they already have prepaid orders for the STacy.. but that ATARI told them not to expect delivery until ------> MARCH or APRIL <-------- The TT isn't even shipping Europe yet... I know I am a fool. Let's see how many other Atari fans can admit it. -kevin ------------------------------ Date: 14 Nov 89 00:54:25 GMT From: sdcc6!sdcc13! (Some call me...Tim) Subject: STE/4096 In article <8911130802.AA09913@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> V053QHYX@UBVMSC.CC.BUFFALO.EDU writes: >I've got a question I feel Ken at Atari can answer..I remember a company >somewhere(I dont remember the name) released an inexpensive 4096 color board >for all ST's..if we installed this board,would we be compatable with the STE's >enhanced graphic modes? .... The JRI 4096 color board was designed specifically to be compatible with the STE and TT method of handling the extra colors, so the enhanced color palette can be used on your ST, but only programs that didn't try to take advantage of the STE hardware scrolling or the TT extra graphic modes would work if you had only the JRI board. ------------ Tim Mensch. ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 22:32:26 GMT From: philmtl!atha! (Ross Alexander) Subject: TT's VME-slots gl8f@astsun8.astro.Virginia.EDU (Greg Lindahl) writes: >Read the fine print. Doesn't the TT have a HDLC connector ;-) ? Does anyone out there know? Does the TT/ (either model) have HDLC capability? Inquiring minds _need_ to know!! I mean real HDLC, capable of carrying AX.25 packets or PPP HDLC encapsulated SLIP packets. I am not especially crazy about getting an interrupt per octet either ;-), or simulating the link protocol in the interrupt handler, as I hope to run the link at 56 Kbaud and up. Ross ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 22:45:14 GMT From:! (Greg Parsons) Subject: Vapourware!!! I have just finished reading your series of six or so messages bashing Atari Corporation. I have one point to make: GIVE IT A REST!!! I'd say that almost everyone on the net knows of Atari's previous terrible policies, screwups, lies, etc. It's possible that Atari WILL put out the TT/STE/ATW. A previous posting on here from has already said that the ATW _was_ available in Europe. I don't know whether Atari is going to really do something nice or screw it up again, but the point is that we already KNOW about the stuff you've posted about, and we're hoping that it'll turn around. -- Born with a stearing wheel in my hand, and lead in my feet! The small furry one... Rat All statements belong to someone, who I'm not quite sure..... ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #644 ***************************************** =========================================================================